Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Everyone Draw Muhammad Day

Ten days from now, Muhammad is planning on making an appearance across the internet. To say that this is offensive and morally wrong is probably correct, but dammit, if someone won't be that way than this world would be so boring.

Unfortunately, a few extreme people claiming to be Muslims (which means "those who submit" in Arabic) have decided to make death threats against the creators of "South Park", Matt Stone and Trey Parker because of their episode "200". While this is old news, it is older than many may think. For the last six years, every time a major source of media, like the Swedish newspaper, attempts to show the prophet Muhammad, they get threatened. This is exactly the problem. The fact that Comedy Central censored the episode is why this extremists have the power they do. According to Michael Cavna of The Washington Post wrote, "To invoke the revivified phrase: The terrorists win." We are afraid and that is unfortunate.

I'm not saying do the same to Muslims. The fact is, most Muslims are perfectly nice people, but because of the extreme treatment of women in some circles, the whole terrorist and jihad thing, they tend to get a bad rap. Which is unfortunate. But probably the most unfortunate aspect of this whole thing is that I missed out on the South Park episode. I really wanted to see that.

So, when May 20th rolls around, I will make a image of Muhammad and post it on this blog. Sorry Muslims. It's nothing against you, just the extremists that pretend to be you.

P.S. Here's a link to the entire episode: http://stagevu.com/video/jkeakqioxcgw

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