Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Point Break Live

A group of young men and one woman stands in front of an exuberant audience doing jumping jacks and proving to be the best mediocre actor possible. One stands out as his Keanu Reeves accent has that perfect touch of monotone. He is quickly pulled into the fray as men in masks modeled after Nixon, Regan, and Carter storm the crowd demanding cash to be doled out. Luckily for the audience, they have their survival kits which contains fake money, a napkin, and a poncho because this show will get messy.
Taken from the film "Point Break" directed by recent Oscar winner Kathryn Bigelow, "Point Break Live" is a hilarious and unabashedly satirical mess that demands to be seen. The amount of water, fake blood and hair dust sprayed only scratches the surface what can only be called one of the most enjoyable shows in Chicago. Using the ridiculousness of the show as its comedic inspiration, the show manages to entertain every minute; the highlight being the member of the audience chosen to play Johnny Utah every night. They fall constantly, miss their cues, and are overall bad actors just like Keanu Reeves. In a word, it’s perfect.
Located at the La Costa Theater on Irving Park and Elston, the show should not be missed. Its mix of humor, surprising improvisation, and bad special effects makes it an exhilarating ride. You’d be on the edge of your seat, but that makes it easier to get robbed by the “Ex-Presidents”.

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